Tuesday 1 October 2013

One Day

One day on my travels
I fell asleep and dosed
I dreamt I came to the Lord and
Found that His doors were closed

His doors were closed
However I
Believe in a God
That can never die

So I journey to the crux
Of the matter at hand
My Lord untie my tongue
And my breast expand

One day on my travels
I fell asleep and dreamt
And decided that with righteousness
To have my life be spent

And this day on my travels
I wrote a poem for you
I increased in my faith
Twas inherently right, and true

As human beings it is
Within our nature to seek
To search for our Lord
And of His blessings to reap

And so I ask myself
And I begin to wonder why
The existence of our God
Through our actions we deny

One day on my travels
I fell asleep and thought
What a sublime honor it is
To have this battle fought

And on that day inside
The depths of my mind
I pray to understand
And faith I pray to find

May God bring us knowledge
And may He make our footing firm
May our path be paved with love
And His attributes may we learn

May our struggle bring us joy
And happiness all around
One day I fell asleep and dosed
But today My Lord I've found